Oleksandra’s art spans global dimensions, by finding inspiration in nature, symbolism, philosophy, theology, and many more concepts of experience and reflection of life.
Using the surrounding world as a muse, her ambition is to help others to express and expose their inner magic.
She wants to challenge that inner child in us, rediscover the curious side within and summon the internal mystery of the people she works with. From that seed of wonder grows deeply inspiring art that manifests in individual, wondrous, and magnificent tattoos.
Every art piece or a tattoo opens up a new opportunity for self-reflection, learning, and discovery for her and for her customers and viewers.
Oleksandra’s art spans global dimensions by finding inspiration in nature, symbolism, philosophy, theology, and many more concepts of experience and reflection of life.
Using the surrounding world as a muse, her ambition is to help others to express and expose their inner magic.
She wants to challenge that inner child in us, rediscover the curious side within and summon the internal mystery of the people she works with. From that seed of wonder grows deeply inspiring art that manifests in individual, wondrous, and magnificent tattoos.
Every art piece or a tattoo opens up a new opportunity for self-reflection, learning, and discovery for her and for her customers and viewers.